Our Wedding Party

The Bridesmaids
Maids of Honor
Annie Van Bebber (Best friend of the bride)
I've known Annie since kindergarten and we've been very best friends since the 8th grade. She has always been the person who understands me the very best, who I can be totally myself around (even when I'm ridiculous!) and will be there for me no matter what. She's the girl who is always herself and never tries to be anything else, which is so beautiful to me. She's always considerate of others and I'm challenged to think more of others than myself by watching the way she lives. Her family is everything to her and I wish I could be the kind of daughter, sister, cousin, granddaughter and niece that she is. She blows me away with her generosity, sense of humor and kind spirit every day. 

We've also always had so much FUN with each other. She makes me laugh harder than anyone I know and our adventures are always a blast, whether it's a Target run and debating between a new shampoo for two hours, a late night chat, a trip to the lake, or anything else we do we have a BLAST because we do it together. I can truly call her a soul mate and my dearest friend. I love you Paz!!!

Sarah Roberts (sister of the bride)
My little sister is the best sister a girl could ask for! We always have fun together doing make up (or me trapping her in the bathroom to do her make up haha : ), going on family trips and "making fun" of our parents. She is an incredibly talented artist and I'm always in awe of her unique and creative eye. I wish my designs were as cool as hers! She blows me away with her love for others and her kind and giving spirit. She's always interested in her friends' lives and genuinely cares about everyone she meets. An amazing girl! Love you sis! 


Megan Porter (friend of the bride)
Megan is the girl I couldn't live without and will always be friends with! We've known each other for years and have countless memories from middle school, high school, college and beyond. She knows everything about me and is the friend I can always tell my secrets to. We love to eat cheeze-its in her parents' pantry, watch girly movies, yack for hours on the phone and take at least one or two girls' roadtrips a year together. Our travels and adventures together are some of my favorite memories. She is the girl who's always smiling, always lights up a room, sees the best in people and will always encourage you if you're down. I couldn't ask for a better friend!

Sarah Zerbe (friend of the bride)
My gentle, sweet friend with the most kind and tender heart...who's a little fiesty sometimes too : ) Sarah and I have been dear friends for what seems like forever. She, Megan and I seem to be the Three Musketeers and we've had so many adventures together, especially on our annual fall and spring roadtrips! She's the sweetest girl you'll ever meet, and can only be described as kind to the core. She loves to laugh, has impeccable taste (which makes her the best shopping buddy!), loves everyone and is the most loyal person I know. She truly is the kind of person I aspire to be like. Love you Dawah/Zerbes/Derbes!

Talitha Rhein (friend of the bride)
Talitha is the most unselfish person I've ever met. She and I became instant friends when we met at the beginning of high school and have stayed close ever since. She always amazes me with how selfless she can be. Plus she's absolutely hilarious with the most hysterical sense of humor I've ever come across. She's smart, funny, genuine and down to earth, and I've loved every second I've ever spent with her. Love you, dear Tally!

Whitney Netherton (friend of the bride)
Whitney and I "discovered" that we should be best friends at the beginning of high school, after not knowing each other too well even though we'd been in the same class since kindergarten. We were amazed we hadn't gotten to know each other before because we have so much in common and just have a blast every time we're together! She's someone who's intelligent, beautiful and funny but totally humble about it all. We have the best deep talks ever and I know I'll always get good life advice from her. She's also one of the most playful people I've met, and can make any situation fun, lighthearted and funny. She's always kind, sweet and witty. Not to mention she was a great roommate and I miss getting to share a house, long talks and "boy troubles" with her every day : ) Love you girl! 

Jessica Browning (sister of the groom) 
I couldn't ask for a better almost-sister-in-law! She has been so supportive of Matt and me throughout our relationship and I'm so blessed to be able to call her family soon. She loves to have a good time and is constantly making me laugh. We have the best talks over "swirls" and I love that she takes my side against Matt ; ) She's thoughtful, kind, easy to talk to and always ready to hang out and have fun. I love this girl and can't wait to officially call her family!

The Groomsmen 
Best Men
Adam Evans (cousin of the groom)

Logan Browning (brother of the groom)

Kevin Ford (friend of the groom)

Jeffrey Lutz (friend of the groom)
Phil Warren (friend of the groom)
Stephen Granberry (friend of the groom)

Ariel Lee (friend of the groom)