About Us

We met at 242, the college and young adults group at Eastminster Church. It was the Spring Prom event in 2007 and it was Matt's first time to go to 242. He recognized me right away from Communications classes at WSU, but I had no idea who he was or that we were in some classes together. Oops. Luckily for us now, our friend Amanda Bammel snapped a picture of us right at the moment we met. I will always cherish the fact we have a picture of that moment!

Us the night we met at the 242 Prom 2007

We both continued to go to 242 for several years, but weren't really in the same friend circles and so we didn't see much of each other. Then, in December of 2008, Matt was intrigued by one of my facebook statuses and decided to chat with me. I know it was God who orchestrated that because I had never really used facebook chat and haven't since, but for some reason I decided to log on that night. We began chatting over the next few days, then texting, and then we went on our first date in January. I remember we were at Matt's house watching a movie, and were having such a good time talking to each other we decided to put in a second movie just to keep talking. There was an instant connection.

Over the next few months I decided I didn't want to date anyone, and just wanted to be friends with Matt. But he patiently waited for me to be ready to date him, and we grew really close and built a solid friendship during that time. Once I finally realized what I was missing, we "officially" got together May 14, 2009. Looking back I'm so glad we had those months to get to know each other and start our relationship out as close friends. I'll also never forget the way Matt quietly loved me through serving me, listening to me, and just sticking with me, even when I drove him nuts : ). He promised from the beginning that he wouldn't give up on me, and he kept his word. And now I couldn't imagine my life without him!